Is Boxing Training for You$%:
You may be wondering... Is boxing training really for me$%: What can it really do for me$%:.. Won't it take forever to learn$%:
I'm here to say NO! to all the above...
Boxing Training In The News
The USA Today has done an article on the up-rise of people using boxing training as a means of serious results given training...
People from all walks of life, both male and female alike use this workout with great success. From the white collar worker, to the stay at home mom, This workout is waking people up to there true potential!
These people have been dropping lot's of weight and shredding fat from their bodies. They all agree that boxing training is real and delivers!
Is it all hype$%:
Allot of people are skeptics of glorified training methods for good reason. There is allot of unnecessary hype with these methods that really... well.. suck!
This is the type of workout that doesn't allow you to BS yourself. The jump rope and bags let you know if your improving or not. The punch mitts, bags, and jump rope are very honest... They don't lie to you!
This is a workout that demands you get better simply by doing it. This is why people from all ages and both genders love it.
Boxing training is truly old school in that as long as you stay with it and work... you will reap the rewards of a better body... improved confidence... self-defense.. and just awaking the athlete that has been dormant in you!
You have no choice to improve your coordination training this way. No choice but to improve your conditioning, agility, timing.
Can the elliptical do this$%:.. How about the stationary bike$%:.. These are great tools. That's all they are though. They shouldn't be the end all and be all of your training.
In closing your training using this workout will warrant you the above rewards..... Who wouldn't want that out of a training session$%:
Where can I do it$%:
You don't have to travel to a grimy gym to box the weight off. You can create your very home gym. The equipment you need is VERY affordable.
Boxing bags can be set up in your garage, basement, attic, spare room, or even a barn.
Where can I get instruction for private use$%: